Monday 2 January 2017

Make Your Landing Page Land the Best Conversion Rates

Organizations that follow a structured approach towards optimization of conversion are more likely to witness a boost in sales. Unfortunately, most businesses do not focus on conversion optimization as an option.

Businesses that witness higher conversion rates do things differently. Here are some tips on enhancing conversion rates for your landing page:

Clear Unique Value Proposition

It is important for your visitors to see on your homepage or landing page the reason they should do business with you. Make sure it includes the benefits of the same. One of the best examples in this respect is 'MailChimp'. With a huge number of email service providers out there, it is very tough for MailChimp to carve a niche. However, the company made themselves unique via focusing on making email campaigns easy. It is really important to make things easy.

Having a huge fan following on Facebook and followers on Instagram is a plus point for your conversion rate.

Know the following to be able to boost conversion rates for your website:

- The reasons customers should buy from you.
- Are they impressed by a money back guarantee?
- Do they want free shipping.

Test Calls-to-Actions

According to Hubspot, one of the companies featured on their blog witnessed conversions by about 105.9%. This happened by:

1. Having a crystal clear call-to-action leading to a white paper which informs visitors about the company and what they offer.
2. Creating an effective headline.
3. Using highly effective graphics to be able to guide the user.

The above listed three changes doubled up the conversion rate.

Another great example is that of Mozilla which witnessed an increase in downloads of their popular Firefox browser by just having a more dynamic and appealing call-to-action -

“Download Now – Free”

The above mentioned call-to-action performed better than -

“Try Firefox 3”

The company made it very clear that Firefox was 'free' and asked the viewer to download the program.

Proflowers is yet another website known for its high conversion rates. One of the major reasons is that they make the process of buying flowers really easy for customers. They have removed all obstacles customers usually face while making a purchase. If some obstacles to prospects purchasing from you are:

Most people may not feel comfortable purchasing from a small, relatively new company. Listed below are some ideas to help potential customers overcome this fear:

- Include a behind the scenes video of your company. Let your customers know how the operations work.
- Make sure you include a banner right at the top with customer testimonials. Each one should show for a few seconds.
- The unique value proposition should be displayed right at the top. Let your customers know how long you’ve been in business, the number of orders shipped, customer satisfaction rate, etc.

Understand Pain Points

Make sure you ask your customers questions to receive their feedback. Understand pain points of your customers. Knowing what they are looking for can actually help you design a website that converts higher.

Headlines Test

Did you know, the headline can make or break your website? Yes, it is powerful enough to convert or lose a sale forever! First impression is formed instantly and headline certainly makes for a huge part of that impression. It is crucial to assess and see what appeals to your visitors. Remember, there's nothing like a magic or foolproof formula. All you can do is follow some guidelines.

You must have a clear headline comprising of a unique value proposition. It should show instant (true) benefit to your audience. Give them a reason to do what you want them to. Test and see what really works.

The best headline is the one that’s clear and avoids language that lands it in the spam folder. So try being creative with your headlines and inform visitors about the benefits of your products/services or what you do.

Short Forms are Important

Many conversion experts recommend restricting forms to only the essentials. It is very irritating for customers to get encountered with over 25+ fields to fill in. Visitors will prefer to leave that site. Respecting users' time will definitely win your laurels and respect. Once you are successful convincing users to sign up, prevent letting them drop off just because your form is too long. The key is to ask only what is needed. Avoid the following:

- Username
- Security questions
- Birth date
- Verification code
- Re-enter password field

Simplifying forms and making them clearer must be aimed at while starting iterating.

Other Techniques

  • A “Chat Now” button will increase free sign up form fills.
  • Including a security seal work.
  • Discount information in the title will boost added to cart conversions significantly.
  • Boost landing page's value with benefits, social proof and credibility indicators.
  • Include people on your homepage for enhancing conversions.
  • Integrate pain point in a headline.
  • Change of call-to-action button from green to red works.
  • Buy Now button to double conversion rate.
  • Change button from “See Plans and Pricing” to “Get Started Today” for boosting conversions.
  • Turn CAPTCHA off to minimize conversions lost and spam mail.
  • Display of testimonials will promote validation.
  • Boost conversions by about 25-40% by using natural language on forms.
  • Have a mobile site to double conversions.
  • Segment users to boost conversion rates and give relevant content to the user.
  • Put call-to-action button to boost conversions.

Some Important Points:

- A headline and landing page should compel and consumers within '0-8' seconds. After 8 seconds, most of the visitors simply leave.
- Remember that about 96 percent of visitors that visit your website are not ready to make a purchase.
- More landing pages, number of leads you are likely to get.
- It is revealed through a study that product videos boost sales of a product by around 144%.
- One second delay in your website speed may lead to 7 per cent reduction in conversions.

Most importantly, one must keep testing and experimenting. Know what works for you and stick to it?


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