Monday 20 February 2017

14 Powerful Ways to Improve Your Facebook Ads

It may be a challenge to increase conversion rates of Facebook ad sans  increasing ad spend especially if you do not hold specialization in the process. However, there several tweaks that will get you good results when you dedicate time and energy into testing different versions.

Listed below are some interesting ways to improve Facebook Ads:

1. Target Similar Brand Followers

There's nothing better than narrowing your target audience for getting higher quality ad results on social media. It is easier to target followers of specific brands on Facebook. This helps when selling products and services to the same customer base and other well-known businesses. It is also a good option when you wish to target customer base of other non-competing brands in niche segments. Use of this makes for a simple solution, especially when other details of the target audience, such as age, job titles, likes, etc, are not available. You can make separate campaigns for each brand you wish to target. This helps you create a more personal creating an engaging message.

2. Attractive Images

Here, it is not important to use pictures of your business, services / products. You can use something relevant if possible, that catches attention of target audience and make them read your ad. Since the image should not contain more than 20 per cent words, its serves as a source for grabbing attention. Once you are successful in doing this, you have already covered half of the path towards the final destination.

3. Use Cover Photo

It is important to engage your fans and boost likes and reach. This is possible by starting contests relevant to cover page. For instance a lot of companies have been seen asking their fans send in pictures enjoying their products. They also announce 'fan of the week' for their cover. Fans find it exciting and engage more with their brand. They will also keep in touch with the page to check if they had won the weekly contest. Cover page definitely makes for free marketing space. It helps engaging fans and promote new products simultaneously.

4. Integrate video

Did you know video promises one of the highest engagement metrics on Facebook? Yes, it holds the highest out of all media options including photos or text used for advertising. It always helps the transitioning advertising process to video from static image or text with a link. It boosts engagement metrics as the audience is likely to spend more time engaging with a brand through gripping videos.

5. Custom Audience Helps

Try uploading a "custom audience". It is a CSV file of your customer list or database. Once you display ads to a customized list of audience instead 'everyone', you actually target people who know you. Also,  these are people who have an affinity for your brand. This process is known to increase the rate of conversion among those who are on your list. Customizing your audience will also help you retain existing customers. As a rule, it costs up to seven times as much to win a new customer than retaining the existing ones. So it is always better to use Facebook ad campaigns to retain customers you have. Try using 'Custom Audience' feature for the same.

6. Collaborate

Advertising collaboration piece with others in complimentary industries help. The combined efforts will help you keep from making clients feel you're pushing something. The idea is to make the process feel organic. Integrate high quality video rigs. Let each entity show they are an invaluable part of the project.

7. Shareable Content

Advertising product or service directly can be avoided if you run ads and promote interactive content your users would like to share. The whole idea is to identify content your target audience engages with. Also make use of paid campaigns for promoting content and ensure optimal performance.

8. Retarget Visitors

You may consider using services such as 'AdRoll'. This will help you to build Remarketing lists and run website activity based ad. When it comes to expense and performance, this process is extremely effective, especially when launching a new product or offering an existing one holding relevance to a specific visitor. For instance, one of your clients launches a new graphic. Then he uses Facebook Remarketing for reaching previous web visitors and generate new sales online. This way, you can target or exclude customers who purchased and offer appropriate incentive to purchase. The process will become a part of all of your product launches and new sale.

9. Test Images

Things may get tough if you go not post several images both in vertical and horizontal layouts. You need to get very creative with imagery. Also, there is no need to make perfect sense with the imagery. You may try out Flickr or These places will offer you free photos that you can use. So you can focus on downloading 10 of them first and then make 10 ad variations. The results will amaze you.

10. Test Versions

It is crucial that you test as many versions of your ad as possible with varied pictures, headlines, and text. Most marketers prefer setting a small budget aside to make out which ad performs best. Thereafter, the rest of the budget is spent on that specific ad.

11. Refine your Target

It is crucial that you target ad for a group of people as specific as possible. This is how you are going to make things effective. Casting huge network doesn't make sense. Getting specific with ad content will ensure success for your campaigns.

12. Relate

I can't tell you how many business Facebook pages I've come across that is simply promotion after promotion of their business (some done more cleverer than others). You must first relate to your users. Show them that you care are about what they care about. Challenge yourself to do nothing but communicate and relate for 30 days without plugging your businesses even once. It may seem counterproductive, but spend your advertising dollars on these posts that are relationship focused rather than on posts that are sales focused and I guarantee, if you're genuine, you'll see much better engagement and feel great about your new relationships as a bonus!

13. Make Segments and Optimize Using Multivariate Testing

A lot of people may not know about this, but the ad buying interface of Facebook is quite powerful. It facilitates sophisticated targeting. Most importantly, it allows for experimentation and deep segmentation. Experts suggest the use of experimental design for developing ad experiments that can also be optimized in real time. Different variables need to be tested against multiple pre-defined customer segments. Try using different campaigns and ad-sets each time you test variation. This allows isolation of variance normalized across all. When you do experimentation across multiple segments you get to know what drives performance across the audience and what actually works for subsets.

14. Message and Destination – Match the Two

It works to create several advertising campaigns and landing pages together. Test messaging that attracts attention of your target audience and then converts them on the landing page. Focus on developing multiple landing pages using 'Optimizely'. Thereafter, come up with multiple ad campaigns on Facebook. It is important that you mix and match ads and variations of landing page variations with winning lower CPA (cost per acquisition). It is possible that an ad gets a decent click through, but people don't buy. This is not a good thing. So you should refrain from relying solely on good CPC for actionable and affordable business results.
